Why Medicana International Ivf Center ? - Medicana IVF Center

Why Medicana International Ivf Center ?

Throughout the years, Turkey has become one of the leading fertility tourism destinations among Europeans and Americans seeking IVF or other methods of assisted reproductive technologies. With the internationally recognised fertility clinics and highly qualified IVF specialists, fertility treatment in Turkey has excellent success rates.

There is no waiting list for IVF treatment in Medicana – patients are able to make an appointment and travel to Turkey at a time that is suitable and convenient to them. Patients requiring IVF may begin treatment with fertility drugs in their home country before travelling.

Medicana International Istanbul Hospital on this website have extensive experience in in vitro fertilization. Besides, the costs of IVF procedures inMedicana are significantly cheaper than the US or EU and we also offer patients financial help when repeating unsuccessful trials.Most fertility specialists in Turkey have been educated and trained in the EUor the USA, and have many years of experience working with foreign couples.

As a transfer policy, we prefer to give two embryos to the patients whose older than 35 years old and whose failed twice or more in their previous attempts. We generally transfer blastocysts and perform routinely assisted hatching andIMSI ( special sperm selection technique) procedures.

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The Medicana International Istanbul Hospital on this website have extensive experience in in vitro fertilization.

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