ivf treatment process Archives - Medicana IVF Center

ivf treatment process Archives - Medicana IVF Center

We offer a wide range of Assisted Reproductive Technologies including IVF and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm injection), Embryo and Sperm Cryopresevation, Intrauterine inseminations (IUI), ovulation induction, Co-Culture (Artificial Uterus). Also other micromanipulation methods (assisted hatching, defragmentation, blastomer biopsy), epididymal or testicular sperm aspiration/extraction (PESA, TESA, TESE or micro TESE) are carried out in our laboratory.  We generally prefer day 5 (blastocyct) transfer with high...


The Medicana International Istanbul Hospital on this website have extensive experience in in vitro fertilization.

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