How to Increase Success Rate? - Medicana IVF Center

In addition to egg and sperm quality, the laboratory environment significantly impacts the success rate in IVF treatment. Physicians’ experience and the embryo laboratories’ high-quality equipment increase the success rate by an average of 80%. It is essential to evaluate the couples’ medical histories and problems in detail, use appropriate drugs, and determine the proper treatment method. On the other hand, the correct timing of stimulating the eggs and collecting and placing the embryos in the uterus significantly increases the live birth rate.
Freezing Embryos: One of the most critical factors increasing the probability of pregnancy is the freezing and storing of quality embryos. Quality embryos are selected even if the transfer into the uterus is not made in the egg collection process. Thanks to these frozen and stored embryos, in case the IVF treatment fails, women do not need to undergo the egg collection procedure by applying hormone treatment again. Embryos maintain their quality even as the woman ages, increasing pregnancy chances.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnostic Test (PGD): Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnostic Test (PGD), which is performed before the embryo is transferred into the uterus, is a diagnostic method used for early diagnosis of genetic diseases and for determining the number of chromosomes. In this way, it is aimed to give birth to healthy babies.
Chromosome number is considered when determining which embryos created by the microinjection method will be used. By choosing embryos with an average chromosome number, the risk of miscarriage associated with the chromosome is reduced.
PGT diagnostic tests are generally applied in older women, recurrent IVF treatment failures, and advanced infertility in men. Thanks to genetic diagnostic tests that exclude these factors that reduce the probability of success, embryos without anomalies are selected, and the likelihood of success increases.
The PGT test is applied to the embryo formed by the ovary and sperm combined with the microinjection method. On the 5th or 6th day of development of the embryos, a sample is taken from the cells for biopsy, and chromosome screening is performed. Today, healthy embryos are selected and transferred into the uterus, among which 24 chromosomes are scanned.
Genetic diagnostic tests have been used in almost all IVF trials in recent years. In this way, information is obtained about congenital anomalies that may occur at birth and in the future. Healthy birth and development of babies are ensured even if couples have genetic diseases.
Blastocyst Transfer: The 5th or 6th day of embryo development is called the blastocyst period. The primary purpose of blastocyst transfer is to select more likely-to-attach embryos. Embryo transfer is not done earlier, as the embryos are much more likely to adhere at this stage. In this sense, the low-quality embryos reveal themselves at this stage, and the treatment is continued with the best-quality embryos.
Another advantage of transfers during this period is that multiple pregnancies can be prevented. By transferring only 1 or 2 high-quality embryos, the risk of triple pregnancy is reduced, and the chance of pregnancy is increased.

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