“IVF” stands for in Vitro Fertilization. It refers to a technical procedure designed to achieve pregnancy as a direct result of the intervention.
In brief, women’s ovaries are stimulated by a combination of medications for about 7 to 10 days to make the eggs mature and then eggs are aspirated from ovarian follicles by a fine needle under general anaesthesia and ultrasonic guidance. These retrieved eggs are processed to fertilize in the laboratory (“in vitro”), after which, one or more embryo(s) are transferred into the mother’s womb. These steps occur over approximately a two-week interval of time. Rest of embryos after the transfer are frozen and stored in the IVF lab at – 196 degrees Centigrade using liquid nitrogen.
The first pregnancy with IVF and the first birth (Luisa Brown) from an in vitro-fertilized embryo were reported in 1976 and 1978. Since then, approximately seven million pregnancies have been achieved worldwide by IVF and its modifications known generically as assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs).
It sometimes works on the first trial, however many couple need more rounds to become pregnant. As time has passed and experience has accumulated, success rates have increased, and the indications for these ART procedures have expanded. ART now accounts for 1 to 3 percent of live births in the United States and Europe.
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