I would like to know how much it costs to perform an ICSI including and excluding average hotel charges.Do you have an email address to send you my test results so you can advise me by emails on what to do before doing the ICSI
We would like to help you have your baby with ICSI in our Centre.
Our IVF Package contains the IVF/ICS procedure, AHA and IMSI in necessary cases, all hormone tests and consultations during follow up period. There are also many reasonable options for accommodation near to our Hospital. ( changing from 40 to 70 Euro per day ) We may send the details about Hotels if you want.
As an alternative; we may offer you a full package (includes the IVF/ICSI procedure including all blood tests, freezing the extra embryos, all the drugs and medications until embryo replacement, and also a 15 night accommodation in a flat and airport transfers. Flat is fully furnished and near to our Hospital (in walking distance).
If we will start your treatment at second or third day of your menstruation, it will probably last in 15-20 days with the embryo transfer.
Please send us the copies of all your medical records you have, (hormone levels, sperm analysis, HSG report, your previous treatments, etc..) before coming to Istanbul. We will check your tests and tell you the extra required tests if any.
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