ivf success rates Archives - Medicana IVF Center

ivf success rates Archives - Medicana IVF Center

Turkey considered as the gateway between Europe and Asia is an Eurasian country located on the Mediterranean stretching across the Anatolian peninsula in southwest Asia and the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. It is bordered by the Black Sea, the Marmara Sea, the Aegean Sea and Mediterranean Sea.  Turkey is a fascinating country where many...

Medicana International Istanbul Hospital perform assisted reproductive technologies with high pregnancy rates. In addition to IVF, Medicana International serves in any kind of gynecologic and endoscopic surgical treatments with great success. You will receive high quality medical service in a very modern clinic. ICSI, assisted hatching, IMSI and blastocyst transfer procedures are done for no additional...

In our centre embryos are usually transferred back into the womb five days after eggs have been collected. This has been our routine practice for the last five years. With the development of new embryo culture media, it has been demonstrated that it may be possible to increase the success of IVF and ICSI treatment by transferring the embryo...

Mini IVF What is mini IVF? Is it the same as IVF, or something different? Mini IVF, also known as minimal stimulation IVF, is pricipally the same with classical IVF as stimulating the ovaries, monitoring the cycle and fertilizing the eggs in vitro and then transfer them to mother.Main difference is that how much medication...

IUI is a fertility treatment that uses a catheter to place a number of washed sperm directly into the uterus. The goal of IUI is to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes and subsequently increase the chance of fertilization. When is IUI used? IUI is a fertility treatment often selected by couples who have...

In a typical IVF or ICSI treatment cycle, the woman’s ovaries are stimulated to produce many eggs. Following fertilisation and embryo culture, the best embryos are selected for embryo transfer. For about 50% of couples, there will also be good embryos which are surplus to those required for embryo transfer. These embryos can be frozen at this point for...

Publication of pregnancy rates allows for comparisons between different clinics.  Rates published by individual fertility centers should be considered carefully, as some centers set strict patient criteria in order to maintain seemingly superior pregnancy rates. Our expertise is reflected in the success rates of Medicana International Istanbul, which are comparable to the best programs in the...


The Medicana International Istanbul Hospital on this website have extensive experience in in vitro fertilization.

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