fertility center Archives - Medicana IVF Center

fertility center Archives - Medicana IVF Center

Turkey considered as the gateway between Europe and Asia is an Eurasian country located on the Mediterranean stretching across the Anatolian peninsula in southwest Asia and the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. It is bordered by the Black Sea, the Marmara Sea, the Aegean Sea and Mediterranean Sea.  Turkey is a fascinating country where many...

Medicana International Istanbul Hospital perform assisted reproductive technologies with high pregnancy rates. In addition to IVF, Medicana International serves in any kind of gynecologic and endoscopic surgical treatments with great success. You will receive high quality medical service in a very modern clinic. ICSI, assisted hatching, IMSI and blastocyst transfer procedures are done for no additional...

The goal of all reproductive technologies is the live birth of a healthy singleton baby. To achieve this goal many clinical and laboratory techniques are being used today. After the start of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments, it marked a real breakthrough in the field of infertility. At the beginning, IVF was only used to solve the...

The success of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) is contributed by a number of factors, which include the couples’ profile, uterine pathology, drug protocols, laboratory conditions, embryo quality and embryo transfer technique. Implantation of the embryo still remains the key factor for IVF success. For implantation to occur, a genetically normal blastocyst (day 5...

Intracytoplasmic Morphologic Sperm Injection (IMSI) technique has been developed by Benjamin Baartoy in 2004.  The purpose for this technique is to select best quality sperms and obtain a high fertilization ratio after microinjection.  High quality sperm and ovum will affect embryo development and increase pregnancy rate.  Some sperm abnormalities may be defined with normal microscopes...

Marriage and maternal age is continuously postponed by women today. Causes for this postponement include to strengthen the professional carrier, concern to provide financial assurance or trying to be ready for being a mother psychologically.  The important issue is that woman should be aware effectiveness of age on a healthy pregnancy and potential to get...

PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis ) PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening ) PGD is a reproductive option for couples at risk of passing a specific genetic disease or chromosome imbalance to their children.  PGD involves screening IVF generated embryos for genetic conditions prior to embryo transfer, with only unaffected embryos transferred to the uterus.  This provides the opportunity...


The Medicana International Istanbul Hospital on this website have extensive experience in in vitro fertilization.

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